As part of my summer 2022 product design internship, I researched, designed, and prototyped a feature for users to create experiment templates to standardize and improve the experiment creation experience.
The final product of this project was a set of high-fidelity interactive mockups of the entire template system. Some of the interactive prototypes made in Figma are shown below including applying a template, creating a template, and using a template.
Click here to see the entire prototype!
Keep reading to see my entire design process.
Statsig is an experimentation platform that identifies features that move product metrics. One of their popular tools on the console is experiments. The experiments tool allows clients to run multivariate experiments with different features shown to different user bases.
Statsig is an experimentation platform that identifies features that move product metrics. One of their popular tools on the console is experiments. The experiments tool allows clients to run multivariate experiments with different features shown to different user bases.
Statsig is an experimentation platform that identifies features that move product metrics. One of their popular tools on the console is experiments. The experiments tool allows clients to run multivariate experiments with different features shown to different user bases.
In order to better understand the problem space, I did a deep dive into the experiments tool by talking with other stakeholders at the company. We sent out a message to clients asking what they would look for within a template tool as well as what problems a template tool could solve. From this, we found that templates would be a helpful tool for the experiment creation stage within the lifecycle phases of an experiment. We also found that clients were looking for templates to be used as a tool rather than as a strictly enforced top-level version set by a project admin. To understand how the template system would fit into the experiment tool, I conducted a competitive analysis into other popular softwares with template systems in order to understand how to best create and apply templates as well as browse within template libraries.
The templates tool design went through many iterations. Some of my favorite iterations of mid-fidelity mockups are shown below. This includes differences in template saving buttons, template library modals, template library, template preview, and template view. These mid-fidelity mockups were made in Figma
To test and iterate on my designs, I shared them with my peers in design critiques, one-on-ones with people on the product team, demo sessions, and more. These informal testing sessions provided me with feedback that led me to my final design. Future implementation will allow for further testing.
To test and iterate on my designs, I shared them with my peers in design critiques, one-on-ones with people on the product team, demo sessions, and more. These informal testing sessions provided me with feedback that led me to my final design. Future implementation will allow for further testing.
As part of the final template tool, there are four main actions the user can take: creating the template, applying the template, browsing the template library, and viewing the template.
Creating the Template:
There are two ways the user can create a template: through an existing experiment or from the template library.
Applying the Template:
There are 3 ways the user can apply a template: through experiment creation, on an existing experiment, or directly from the template located within the template library.
:Browsing the Template Library
The template library exists in the templates tab within the experiments tool. Here, the user can browse and search for templates, view template metadata, and view individual templates.
:Viewing the Template
Within the template, the user can view all fields in the template and apply the template to an experiment. If they are the creator of the template, they will also be able to edit the fields and delete the template.
These can be seen in the interactive prototype below.